Posts Tagged: fun parenting

What If…

February 28, 2014

What if I had believed I had more time?
What if I had boldly taken the time?

Time to paint animal names on stones when we buried them…
Time to bake cookies more often when they asked…
Time to shop for supplies to make Halloween costumes instead of buying them…
Time to go for walks in the woods after school one day a week…

I often believed there wasn’t enough time and I raced…
I know better now.

If you are a parent who laments the fun things that don’t happen in a week…
Or wishes for more soulful moments with your children rather than errands…
Or hears your heart making suggestions you don’t believe you have time for…
Or looks back over a month or a year wondering where the time went and why your good intentions/dreams/plans with your children didn’t happen…
This blog is for you!

I don’t write this to make you crazy.
I write so you might reconsider some of your choices.
Because there is enough time for what is important to your heart…and theirs.

Time and maturity have taught me something amazing.
When I am certain there isn’t enough time to answer what my heart calls me to do and I boldly do it anyway,
Time expands and makes room for everything.
Everything that needs to get done just does. Don’t ask me how. It just does.

On top of that, to make it even better, I feel more content and efficient doing it!

I believe it is something bigger than me knowing better than me…if only I will listen.
These are magical moments. And while I knew there things were more important than picking up groceries or dropping the shoes off for repair…I did not always heed the call.

Sometimes I did and felt gratitude down to my bones.
Magic happened and my daydreams of fun parenting came true!

Other times I pushed on, certain I knew what ‘had’ to happen.
Now I see. Now I know better. Now I am sharing this with you.

Listen to the call of your heart…breathe deep…and follow its lead.
Magic will happen.
