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Courageous Parenting

Courage – (noun) ability to do something that frightens you. Origin – Middle English denoting the heart as the seat of feelings; Old French ‘corage’ – innermost feelings; Latin ‘cor’ – heart.

As a parent for over 20 years, I believe I have something to say. Raising two girls and teaching a parenting class to over 100 families, has given me a perspective that I want to share with the world. I am motivated to share not because I believe I am right; instead I write with the hope that someone might find himself or herself in what I share and feel less alone in their parenting. After all, most of us don’t live in true villages anymore!

I am passionate about community and communication…so now I blog.

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Follow Michele’s Adventures



Adventures from the Middle of the Road

Courage and grace are a formidable mixture.
~ Marlene Dietrich

Why is it we go kicking and screaming (or crying) into change?
Even when it’s what we asked for, hoped for, dreamed of?
Change is challenging and there is no way to avoid it if you are living.

My mid-life change was chosen. A 17-year marriage that had been wonderful, till it wasn’t, ended. I knew it and stepped into it believing I knew what was ahead. The truth is, I had no idea.

After skipping down the path or at least strolling, the road suddenly became very hard and fraught with wild animals and unexpected pain. Now I was kicking, screaming AND crying.

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