What an Amazing Ride!

March 17, 2013

It (is) the wise and difficult love that reminds parents
that all we can really do is be true to our own spiritual unfolding
and trust that our examples will one day help (children) be true to theirs.
For children have a guiding spiritual wisdom inside them too.

~ Sue Monk Kidd

Wow! What an amazing ride parenting is! My parenting has stretched all my limits…emotionally, mentally, spiritually and at times, physically. (After all, child birth is no cake walk!) My daughters have taught me so much just by being themselves and calling me to rise to my highest for them. My passion was to be the best Mom I could be. Game on!

There has been laughter and smiles interspersed with tears and hugs all along the way. And I wouldn’t change a thing that we have learned from each other. Yes, I was raising them and as it turns, out they were helping me to ‘rise up’ at the same time. Parenting has taken me to places inside myself I might never had gone without my girls.

My girls will be 21 and 18 within the next month and they are incredible young women. They have been a large part of me becoming the woman I am today. And for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you Cassidy Fay and Kate for choosing me and teaching me wisdom that I hope to pass on to others as we continue on this wild amazing ride together!

Just another parent leading the way…

One Comment

  1. Hugh March 29, 2013

    Great blog Michele! Looking forward to all your pearls of wisdom.

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